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Extra Money

There are 3 ways in how to get extra money in sims bustin out ps2 version. 1st way is to sell a painting in an eseal, make sure you have a painting set, then get a sim to paint a picture. After he finishes a picture, point the blue thingy on your painting set and then press sell painting. 2nd is buy an expensive thing in bustin out and a burgler alarm. When your sims are out of the house or sleeping, a burgler will come to your house in morning or at night then the burgler will snatch the expensive thing you bought. The burgler alarm will go off as soon as the burgler steps in to your house. When the alarm goes off, a police officer will come to your house and arrest the burgler. When the burgler is arrested, the police officer will give you money for arresting the burgler. And 3rd, having money from grandma/grandpa. Make sure that you have one, two/three kids, then select a kid then point the blue thingy on the bookshelf then select study for school (MAKE SURE THE KID IS IN GOOD MOOD). When the kid reaches A+ in the school, grandpa/grandma will give them $100 dollars each of every kid. That's it, I Hope This Tip Is Very Helpful To You

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