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Need for Speed Most Wanted [2005] Cheats NOTE: If your submission does not meet proper grammatical guidelines it will be deleted.

Description: Typeablecheats
Where Entered: main menu
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Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Up, Square Unlocks Cardboard Box and Driver VinylUnlocks Cardboard Box and Driver VinylEdit Delete
Down, Up, Up, Right, Left, Left, Right,Unlimited Crew ChargeEdit Delete
Down, Right, Right, Left, Right, Up, Down, SquareUnlimited SpeedbreakerEdit Delete
Down, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up, Square, Triangle.Extra CashEdit Delete
Left, Up, Left, Down, Left, Down, Right, Square.Infinite NitrousEdit Delete
Contributor: rjthemaster Edit | Delete | Give Thumbs Up | Flag | Comment
CODEUnlock an Extra MarkerOct 3, 2006
Description: Unlock an Extra Marker for use in the Shop
Where Entered: In the start screen
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Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Up, DownUnlocks an Extra Marker for use in the ShopEdit
Contributor: Madenshi Edit | Delete | Give Thumbs Up | Flag | Comment
CODEBurger King ChallengeOct 3, 2006
Description: Unlock The Burger King Challenge
Where Entered: In the start screen
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Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, RightUnlocks Burger King ChallengeEdit
Contributor: Madenshi Edit | Delete | Give Thumbs Up | Flag | Comment
CODEGet Free upgradesJun 7, 2006
Description: Get Free upgrades
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press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Up, Down.Free UpgradesEdit
Contributor: OGSiLo Edit | Delete | Give Thumbs Up | Flag | Comment
CODEPorsche CaymanJun 7, 2006
Description: Porsche Cayman
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press L1, R1(3), Right, Left, Right, Down to unlock the Porsche Cayman.Unlocks Porsche CaymanEdit
Contributor: OGSiLo Edit | Delete | Give Thumbs Up | Flag | Comment
CODECastrol Ford GTJun 7, 2006
Description: Castrol Ford GT
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press Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right to unlock the Castrol Ford GT.Unlocks Castrol Ford GTEdit
Contributor: OGSiLo Edit | Delete | Give Thumbs Up | Flag | Comment
GLITCHNo Police ChaseJun 7, 2006
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No Police Chase
When you race any race that has a maximum potential for police encounter, a police chase will ensue at somepoint during the race. After the race is complete, you will need to get away from the cops so the win and money won will stay in your hands. The trick to skip this process? Wait until the "auto-save" icon at the top of the screen disappears at the end of the race, hit reset on your console, reload your profile and the race will show "complete", along with the money in your bank account.
Contributor: _Your_Daddy_ Edit | Delete | Give Thumbs Up | Flag | Comment
GLITCHChange Race OptionsJun 7, 2006 1 Thumbs
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Change Race Options
When racing events in career mode, there is a way to change the density of traffic, catch-up on/off, and number of laps. Example: There is a race in "Race events" in the blacklist menu, It's a sprint type race, and the track is "Seagate & Camden". Now, go back to the main menu, select quick race, select custom race and do a sprint on "Seagate & Camden". Set the options you want (i.e. No traffic, etc). Complete the race and go back into career mode and complete the same race in the blacklist menu. Those options you selected in quick race mode will apply here, and you could have no traffic and turn off catch-up. This also means, if you have a 4-lap circuit race in career mode, you can do this cheat and only have to do 1 lap.
Contributor: Fabulaz Edit | Delete | Give Thumbs Up | Flag | Comment
TIPWhat cars to useJul 16, 2013
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Car to use
Start with Cobalt SS, then Vic's Toyota Supra, Baron's Porsche, Then use either Ming's Lambo, Websters corvette or JV's Viper. You should be able to beat all the Blacklist members easily.
Contributor: BMWM3GTR Edit | Delete | Give Thumbs Up | Flag | Comment
TIPCheat Re-makeMay 17, 2008
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Easy Bounty (alternate strategy)
Instead of going on top of the buses, go to the other side and drive backwards to the edge and wait. You might have to keep a watch out, because sometimes there's a glitch and a cop car will pop up on the platform, but it will fall off. Don't take any chances because i've got busted that way the first time i tried it out.
Contributor: Bounty God Edit | Delete | Give Thumbs Up | Flag | Comment
TIPStraight DrivingOct 3, 2006
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Drive Straight
Engaging nitrous oxide shifts the weight of the car and in layman's terms, your car will attempt to straighten out. Combined with speedbreaker, it is possible to take on almost any turn without an appreciable loss of speed.
Contributor: Madenshi Edit | Delete | Give Thumbs Up | Flag | Comment
TIPBounty IncreaseOct 3, 2006
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Easy Bounty
You can raise your bounty as much as you want and complete that part of your milestones. First get in a pursuit and then find a ledge (ex. on top of the buses at the bus station) go as close to the end of the buses away from the up ramp as possible without falling off and without a cop following you up the ramp. Then sit there and watch the cops go crazy. It's better if your heat is 2 or up as the lower level cops will sometimes lose sight of you and you'll cool off. At higher levels though the police will hover below you ramming into each other and everything else. This destroys their vehicles which in turn raises you bounty and length of your pursuit. You can sit there as long as you like but check behind you periodically just to make sure one of them hasn't gotten smart enough to come up the ramp.

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