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The Sims 2: Castaway (PSP)

Cheat Codes

Cheat Gnome

Quickly press LRUpXR while on a lot in Live mode to spawn the Cheat Gnome. It appears at different locations, depending on which island you are on, and must be found. The following codes can now be enabled, which will unlock the corresponding options on the Cheat Gnome after it is found. To use the Cheat Gnome, approach it and press X.

All plans

Quickly press XRXRX.

All crafting resources

Quickly press SquareTriangleRDown(2), Up.

Maximum current food and resources

Quickly press Square(4), L.

Maximum inventory

Quickly press LeftRightSquareRSquare.

Maximum relationships

Quickly press LUpRLeftTriangle.

Full motives

Quickly press RUpXSquareL.

Add skills

Quickly press TriangleL(2), LeftTriangle.


Abducted by aliens

Go to Crystal Island and send an SOS using the radio. Aliens will abduct you, give you a can of alien food, and drop you off.
uohat aybr yl, anmbt Brandon Jones

Easy skill points

Make an account that has their main skill as cooking. Then, get their cooking skill up to level 6. Then get level 6 mechanical. Enable the "Maximum current food and resources" and "All plans" codes. Next, make the metal stove. Cook something random and eat it. If it increased your skills, open the screen and select "Island Travel". Travel to another part of the island. You should now have the raised skills permanently. Repeat this process to get 10 of every skill, so that you can build a bungalow, bathroom, shower, marimba, and a better bed.
Xavier Figueroa


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