Berita Hebat!

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Hiding Headline Effects

Entry location: 
Ctrl-Shift-C [hideheadlineeffects on]
This cheat hides the thought bubbles that appear over your sims head when they are hungry, tired, thinking, etc. 

Shazaam is wrong

Entry location: 
Go on the main menu of sims 3 and then open up the cheat box and type in: testingcheatsenabled true and then do it again but with testingcheatsenabled on. 

You then load your family and right click and press ctrl on the lifetime happiness chest (in between the chest and number) and then ta daa!

Edit Friendship Status

Hold 'ctrl', 'shift' and 'c' at the same time and type in the cheat bar: testingcheatsenabled true 

Hit enter and click the sim who's friendship you want to edit. Go to the Sims Panel and the relationships tab. Choose the sim that you want your current sim to be more / less friends with. Under the sim profile there is a bar to say what their friend status is (best friends, friends, acquaintance, etc.) 

Where that bar it, left click (hold the click) while dragging the cursor left or right. Now you can edit friendship statuses! 

Sims 3 Cheat Codes

help: lists all help commands, and many useful cheats

enablellamas [on/off]: all it says is "Llamas enabled."

jokeplease:ask and you shall recieve, a corny joke.

motherlode:50000 simoleons!!!

kaching:1000 simoleons, (again, this doesn't all)

shazaam:2500 life points, (again, this doesn't all, whatsoever!)

Baby Situation::

The deal with the apples and watermelons are that if you eat three apples, you get increased chances of a boy, eating three watermelons increase your chances of having a girl. 

do you want twins or triplets? Watch the kids channel on the TV or listen to the children's music station on the stereo. Doing either of them increase the chance slightly, but doing both at the same time increases it greatly. I did this and i got twins.

to be able to pick your babies triats you have to keep the mommy happy during pregnancy. have her in a steady happy mood throuought the three day pregnancy.


Even if you aren't choosing the celebrity lifestyle, you can use this cheat to get 5*

Type in TestingCheatsEnabled true
then shift + click your mailbox
click 'make me friends' and your celeb stars go up straight away!

Hope you enjoy guys! xxx

Cheat Code for a free Llama

Entry location: 
Pause Menu
You must be in-game with your Sims character. Using your controller press start to bring up the pause menu. You’ll then press all four shoulder buttons simultaneously (L1, L2, R1, R2 —PS3; LT, RT, LB,RB—360). At this point a box will appear and ask you if you want to enable cheating. 

Now you can select Spot the Llama from the menu. While in build mode, open the catalog, select "buy," and find the Llama in the "Décor," catalogue under the "Misc Décor." Place him anywhere on your lot. How you use the Llama is all up to you. Absolute power corrupts abso-llama-lutely. 

NOTE: Enabling cheats disables Achievements, Trophies and Challenge Points.

Hording Pizza

Entry location: 
At the house
•Hording pizza 
Have a Sim call for pizza. When the pizza delivery man arrives, do not accept the pizza. The delivery man will eventually leave the pizza on the front porch, and it will never get stale. You can stack as many pizzas there as you want. If your Sims get hungry, just tell them to get a pizza from the front porch.

Get free police car!

Entry location: 
after testingcheatsenabled true has been entered, when you click on the mailbox, it will say set career, click on law enforcement and become a spy, it will give you a police cruiser in your sims invetory, then, you can just quit the job!

Force Twins

first enter testingcheatsenabled true. then click on a pregnant sim. Then do ctrl+shift+c and type in: forcetwins

make your neighbor your housemate!

hit: ctrl alt c. type: testingcheatsenabled true. invite anybody from the neighborhood u like(or dislike) shift click on that sim and 'add to family'

Workout Without Getting Fatigued

Entry location: 
the mailbox out front of your house
You must have testing cheats enabled by typing [testingcheatsenabled true] without brackets. Once you have entered that cheat go to your mailbox out front of your house and Shift click on the mailbox. A number of options will appear and one of those option will say need static. Click this and then go to anywhere u wish to do a workout. This cheat will allow you to workout continuously without fatigue.


Hey playing TS3 WA but hate having to go to China, Eygpt, or France to get some of the stuff, like the plants...objects and animals? (AND THAT DAMN AXE) Well look no more. There is a BUYDEBUG cheat, which unlocks all of the stuff usually hidden until you travel, ,including the EYE OF HORUS...and PANGU'S AXE. Yes it's cheating but it helps. I have tried this in my game and it works. 

How to get there

CTRL+SHIFT+C, then type in testingcheatsenabled true in the blue screen, (which should close once you press enter)
Repeat this, only this time type in buydebug. Go into buy mode and press the 2nd tab, the sorted one, to see a detailed tab with a ? on it.
This is what you want people. Have fun.

Buy/Build on Already Functioning Community Lots

Normally you are not able to but/build on community lots, but there is a way around that. Press Ctrl-Alt C and enter testingcheatsenabled true, right-click on the floor and you have the option to Buy/Build on this lot, along with teleportation. You can redecorate or demolish that lot. Using this cheat with The Sims 3 World Adventures Expansion Pack, you can see hidden traps and chambers and even enter them by deleting the walls or sealed doors without going through lengthy missions!


Press Ctrl+Shift+C to open up the console type in TestingCheatsEnabled True now click shift and click on a place to walk and it should say teleport me here.

Trait Modification

Once testingcheatsenabled true has been activated, if you hold the "Shift" key while clicking your active Sim. An option appears were you can edit your Sims traits.

All The Cheats

Cheat Console: 
During gameplay press [ctrl]+[shift]+C to open the cheat console and type the following to turn cheats on: 

testingcheatsenabled - testing cheats on objects 

[If you have Vista and you can not get the bar to show you need to press Ctrl Alt Windows (should be next to ALT button) and C all at once. Then you may enter any cheat you want] 
After enabling the test cheats, you can use any of these cheats: 

Cheat Code - Result 

help - Display most cheats 
Kaching - 1,000 more Simoleons 
Motherlode - 50,000 more Simoleons 
shazaam - +2,500 lifetime happiness points to active Sim 
freerealestate - Ignore the cost when buying a lot 
modify traits - Set or clear traits 
add to household - Add active Sim to current household 
set age [number] - Set age of the Sim 
edit in cas - Take the Sim back to Create-a-Sim 
set career [career/level] - Give selected Sim a career 
force opportunity - Click career building you work at to force an opportunity 
force event - Click career building you work at to force an event 
force all events - Click career building to display all events for the career consecutively 
force service sim [name] - Force a specific service Sim to appear 
force visitor - Forces a neighbor to show up 
make me know everyone - Selected Sim knows every other Sim 
make friends for me - Make several random friends for selected Sim 
make happy - Sets all mood/moodlets for everyone in the house to perfect; removes negative moodlets 
make motives [static or dynamic] - Set motives static or dynamic for entire household 
unlockOutfits [on or off] - View career outfits and service uniforms [Note 1] 
moveObjects [on or off] - No limitations for placing/moving objects 
resetSim [first name] [last name] - Return Sims to safe and neutral state at home 
constrainFloorElevation [true or false] - Force terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures 
disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on or off] - Objects will not snap to slots while holding [Alt] 
fadeObjects [on or off] - Objects fade when camera gets close to them 
snapObjectsToAngle [true or false] - Toggle 45 degree angle object snap 
snapObjectsToGrid [true or false] - Toggle snap to grid for placed objects 
hideHeadlineEffects [on or off] - Show talk/thought balloons above Sim's head 
jokePlease - Print random joke to console 
enablellamas [on or off] - Llamas enabled message 
slowMotionViz: [0-8] - Slow motion visuals; 0 is normal, 8 is slowest 
testingCheatsenabled [true or false] - Enable testing cheats [Note 2] 
fps [on or off] - Toggle framerate display at top right 
fullscreen [on or off] - Full screen 
quit - Quit the game 

Note 1: This code must be enabled before entering Create-A-Sim mode. 

Note 2: You can move your Sims' status bars as desired by clicking and dragging (hygiene, energy, fun, etc.). 

Age Sims Prematurely

Entry location: 
buy a birthday cake
Buy a birthday cake even before you Sims birthday and have them blow out the candles and they will age when they blow them out

Get A List Of Cheats

Entry location: 
Type "help" into cheat box.

Static Needs

Entry location: 
Testing cheats on Mail box
Once the TestingCheatsEnabled True code has been activated, you can shift-click on the mailbox outside of your sims' house to fill their needs bars using the 'Make all happy' option and freeze them with 'Make Motives Static.'


Traits for writer Sims!

You may not have considered any traits other than bookworm as being important for your writer Sim, but actually, there are a few that no writing Sim should be without. They are- 
Neurotic. This will allow Sims to instantly 'Freak out' removing all the stress that comes with writing instantly. 
Couch Potato. Although Sims will need to sleep longer, with the Premium content from the store and/or Meditative Trance Sleep,this will not be a big deal and the doubled moodlet bonuses from Comfy seats will be. Buy the most expensive 900 simoleon seat and watch your Sims mood rocket through the ceiling. 
Hates the outdoors. Despite the negative moodlet when going outside, they will never be plagued by Stir Crazy, which means they can spend all their time at home writing. 
See my other hint for tips on how to deal with this moodlet without this trait.

New clothes

To get new clothes, you first have to buy a dresser from "Buy Options". Once there, click "Plan Outfit." You can put a total of three different clothes for each type (formal, every day, athletic, etc.).

Clean Dishes

Too lazy to take the time to clean up dishes? Just drag the empty plate in to the Sims inventory and then drag to sell. You won't make any money but if your Sim doesn't have a dish washer, its fast and efficient.

Gender of Babies

Entry location: 
Must have a pregnant female
Eating apples will increase your chances of having boys! 
(i.e. 3 apples = 3 boys)

On the other hand, eating watermelons will increase your chances of having girls!
(i.e. 3 watermelons = 3 girls)

**To have increased chances of twins or triplets have one or both parents have the lifetime reward of fertility treatment.

I heard this from someone else. I had my pregnant female eat three watermelons to test it out and it worked! She had 3 triplet girls.

Easy Money

Start writing novels on your computer. Write fiction novels as they take the least amount of time. They will not bring you too much Simoleons. When you write, your skill will automatically advance. If your skill is high enough, you will be able to write more novel types/genres. The most money can be made from "Romance Novels". You will get royalties for six weeks once you finish a book. With the "Writing" skill maxed out, you can make approximately 40,000 Simoleons every week, which is more than the 34,800 Simoleons you can get by purchasing all neighborhood businesses, and takes less time to achieve. In three game weeks you should have a very high speed writing, 9 or 10 novels as best sellers, and 100,000 Simoleons.

Making Friends

Buy a guitar. Play it to learn how to play guitar. Keep playing until you reach 5/10 level, which gives you the ability to "Play For Tips". When you have that ability, go to the park with the guitar in your inventory. When you are in the park, click the guitar in your inventory, and select "Play For Tips." People watching you will become your friends if you keep playing. The higher your guitar skill, the faster they will become friends with you.

Change Name

Entry location: 
City Hall
If you're unhappy with the name of your sim you can change the name of your sim by going to map veiw and clicking on City Hall and clicking the option 'Change Name'. You can only change your name from 12:00pm and 6:00pm.

Have a Ghost Baby (Without Killing)

How to do it: 

- Set one of your Sim's traits to Kleptomaniac (Sim must be female) 
- Go to graveyard 
- Wait until Sim steals remains or tell sim to swipe something (remains must be male) 
- On the second day since stealing grave and putting it in home, the ghost will appear at 11:00pm and disappear at 4:00am it will appear every other day 
- Socialize with ghost every night it appears until you are at best friend ghost will then begin appearing every night 
- get fertility reward 
- Confess attraction to ghost 
- ask to snuggle on bed, kiss 
- Try for baby every night until you start throwing up 
- Congrats! You're now having a ghost's baby! (It will be born as a ghost that you can control)

Protection From Death

Go to Pleasant Rest Graveyard, and near the gate, there is a strange bush called a "Death Flower Bush" - Harvest the flower from it. 

If you keep this flower in your sim's inventory, when you die the grim reaper will trade it for a second chance at life. 

This flower will not reappear, but there are Unknown Special Seeds (requires level 7 Gardening to plant) dotted about near the graveyard (and a few other places) which may grow another Death Flower (and sometimes more if your Sim has the Green Thumb trait to revive the plant.)

Turn off Aging

In the options menu you can choose the gameplay settings. When you uncheck the box before "Aging" the sims won't become older anymore. You can also slow aging down in this menu by setting the lifetime bar. It's changeable from 25 days too 960 days. 


Trophy List

Entry location: 
Baby Steps: Create a household.

Graduated: Complete the in-game tutorial.

How you Doin'?: Learn the Charisma Skill.

Wishful Thinker: Complete 10 Wishes.

What Goes Around : Use a Karma Power.

BFF!: Make a best friend.

Sim About Town : Attend a town event.

It's a Date: Go on a date.

You Never Forget Your First: Have a first kiss.

Woo Hoo!: Make Woo Hoo.

Climbing the Ladder: Reach level 5 in a career.

That New Car Smell: Buy a car.

Not Twice, But 10 Times: Complete 10 Opportunities.

This is so Meta: Experience the Meta.

I Double Dare Ya: Explore the catacombs after dark.

Sim-Author: Write a book.

Epic Party: Throw an awesome party.

Partners in Crime: Become a partner of the Paragon Personal Private Charity Warehouse.

Stylizer: Design and save 20 styles using Create a Style.

The Big Proposal: Get engaged.

Movin' On Up: Move into a new home.

Expertise: Reach level 10 in a Skill.

Once a Parent, Always a Parent: Welcome a child into the family.

Working Friends: Become best friends with your boss and all of your co-workers.

Be Excellent To Each-other: Reach the maximum potential Karma.

Dream Big: Complete a Lifetime Wish.

Home is Where the Simoleons Are: Raise your household's value to §35,000 or more.

Not Dead Yet: Resurrect a Sim.

Power Overwhelming: Unlock every Good Karma Power by purchasing them with Challenge Points.

Mad Skillz: Complete any 2 Skill Journal Milestones.

Leet Skillz: Complete any 10 Skill Journal Milestones.

Genie: Gain 150,000 Lifetime Happiness Points on one Sim.

But it's Inflammable!: Extinguish a Sim on fire.

The Reviler: Become a public menace.

Epic Fail: Use the Epic Fail Karma Power on 13 unsuspecting sims not in your family.

Matchmaker: Start 5 romantic relationships.

Fit For a King: Prepare a perfect meal.

Owned!: Buy out a commercial property in town.

Pyromaniac: Get an insurance check for over §15,000 after using the Firestorm Karma Power.

Botanical Perfection: Grow a perfect plant.

Trophy Fish: Catch a perfect fish.

Happiness... It Stacks: Get 5 positive moodlets at the same time on one Sim.

Master Architect: Build a home of at least §350,000 property value on a large lot.

Child Prodigy: Complete a Lifetime Wish before becoming a Young Adult.

True Wealth: Gain 250,000 Lifetime Happiness on one Sim.

Challenging: Complete 50 Challenges.

Very Challenging: Complete 100 Challenges.

Uberchallenging: Complete 150 Challenges.

Wish-Master: Complete 100 Wishes.

Miracle Worker: Complete 1,000 Wishes.


Entry location: 
Achievement List
Baby Steps (5 points): Create a household.

Graduated (5 points): Complete the in-game tutorial.

How you Doin'? (10 points): Learn the Charisma Skill.

Wishful Thinker (10 points): Complete 10 Wishes.

What Goes Around (10 points): Use a Karma Power.

BFF! (10 points): Make a best friend.

Sim About Town (10 points): Attend a town event.

It's a Date (20 points): Go on a date.

You Never Forget Your First (30 points): Have a first kiss.

Woo Hoo! (40 points): Make Woo Hoo.

Climbing the Ladder (20 points): Reach level 5 in a career.

That New Car Smell (5 points): Buy a car.

Not Twice, But 10 Times (20 points): Complete 10 Opportunities.

This is so Meta (5 points): Experience the Meta.

I Double Dare Ya (5 points): Explore the catacombs after dark.

Sim-Author (10 points): Write a book.

Epic Party (20 points): Throw an awesome party.

Partners in Crime (10 points): Become a partner of the Paragon Personal Private Charity Warehouse.

Stylizer (15 points): Design and save 20 styles using Create a Style.

The Big Proposal (50 points): Get engaged.

Movin' On Up (40 points): Move into a new home.

Expertise (25 points): Reach level 10 in a Skill.

Once a Parent, Always a Parent (40 points): Welcome a child into the family.

Working Friends (30 points): Become best friends with your boss and all of your co-workers.

Be Excellent To Each-other (15 points): Reach the maximum potential Karma.

Dream Big (50 points): Complete a Lifetime Wish.

Home is Where the Simoleons Are (10 points): Raise your household's value to §35,000 or more.

Not Dead Yet (10 points): Resurrect a Sim.

Power Overwhelming (25 points): Unlock every Good Karma Power by purchasing them with Challenge Points.

Mad Skillz (15 points): Complete any 2 Skill Journal Milestones.

Leet Skillz (25 points): Complete any 10 Skill Journal Milestones.

Genie (30 points): Gain 150,000 Lifetime Happiness Points on one Sim.

But it's Inflammable! (10 points): Extinguish a Sim on fire.

The Reviler (30 points): Become a public menace.

Epic Fail (15 points): Use the Epic Fail Karma Power on 13 unsuspecting sims not in your family.

Matchmaker (30 points): Start 5 romantic relationships.

Fit For a King (15 points): Prepare a perfect meal.

Owned! (15 points): Buy out a commercial property in town.

Pyromaniac (20 points): Get an insurance check for over §15,000 after using the Firestorm Karma Power.

Botanical Perfection (15 points): Grow a perfect plant.

Trophy Fish (15 points): Catch a perfect fish.

Happiness... It Stacks (15 points): Get 5 positive moodlets at the same time on one Sim.

Master Architect (20 points): Build a home of at least §350,000 property value on a large lot.

Child Prodigy (20 points): Complete a Lifetime Wish before becoming a Young Adult.

True Wealth (25 points): Gain 250,000 Lifetime Happiness on one Sim.

Challenging (20 points): Complete 50 Challenges.

Very Challenging (25 points): Complete 100 Challenges.

Uberchallenging (30 points): Complete 150 Challenges.

Wish-Master (25 points): Complete 100 Wishes.

Miracle Worker (30 points): Complete 1,000 Wishes.

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