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Tips For The sims bustin out

Have your own roomates home!

All u do is send your roomy outside . Go on start and go on the house. build a tiny wall around Your roomy wait a few days your roomy will die of no found and the Grim Reaper won't be able to get in the box then after preform an exorcise to get ride of there ghost. I f u can not control them they always go for a walk so while the are outside then u do it.

A brilliant Sim Life!

This only works on Free Play. First, make a family of 3, a mum and dad, and a child (m or f) First, make the mum pretty, neat, outgoing and everything a dream mum should have. Then make the dad, active, neat, outgoing and playful so he can take the child to play basketball or something. When you arrive at an already built house (this is helpful) Place down some sandpits, toy boxes, kids stuff, basketball and DEFENATLY a bookcase. First, get the dad to study mechanicle and the mum to do cooking. And make sure the child studdies. When you have finished all your cooking or mechanical skills, or studies, you then may wish to have |ADULT TIME| Turn the tv on, make the child go to bed at approximatly 8:00, and watch movies, have parties and even just have a romantic evening together.
I bought a cheat disk from Hong Kong and it makes the sims to what YOU want. THIS time, you can have romantic dinners, tuck your children in, watch movies AND (if your cooking is right to the top) YOU CAN MAKE POPCORN!
If you can do all this stuff already, it means your disk is the proper make, mine is a platinum so i bought a cheat disk.
I hope this works out for you! 

A Few Bucks

This is a away to get your creativity up and earn a few bucks first: Buy a painting board then paint the whole picture after painting it you'll have an option on the painting board that will say "Sell Painting" you will earn about 20$!

A Little Knowledge on Sims Bustin' Out

Where to find the Movie Script for -Tinsel Bluffs-
Goto -Shiny Things Labs- and looks for the Brain in a Jar thingy, Then click on it and it should say Steal. You will either take it and it will complete goal or stand there, Think and talk to it for a while and then steal the script. Either way the goal will be completed.
<note> When living at -Shiny Things Labs- !Do not delete the Brain in a Jar thingy because the goal will now glitch and you wont be able to complete it! Starting a new game...
When starting a new game and living at moms house, Dont quickly complete goals and move out because the jobs you do will now be harder. Instead, stay at moms and learn all your skills. Due to a Glitch in the game, Moms house has something in it that makes your skills increase faster. (but only for the first time you live there. If you move it wont work anymore)

Raising a Baby to a child
When raising a baby to a child, DON'T use the play option because it does NOTHING... Just use Feed and Play twice and then the baby will stop crying for a few hours.
The baby will be atken away from you by a lady person if you do not tend to the baby when it is crying.
The baby will grow up to be a child in 3 sim days and you can not move houses while the baby is still a baby evan if you have got both promotions needed.

Completing goals...
You dont have to complete goals other than the two Job promotions needed for your current job unless you would like to getthe cars. (it is easy to know which goals give you cars...)
You can always go back through and complete the goals later.
If you would like to have the items you would get anyway, then press the corresponding keys during game play.
L1, R2, Up, Triangle, L3 (Unlocks all Objects)

Boositing up relationships Really Fast =]
When you want to raise a relationshit really fast, you need to use Talk, Compliment and Give money. They work really well, (dont use compliment or give money too early in the relationship.. Use Talk and Anything, Just press select to cut the others out so you have a row of talk options. Wait till your almost at 20 then use the compliment and Give Money)
When you can, Use Kiss but make sure that anyone else you love isnt in the room or if your outside, make sure there not because it still makes them jelous. If you dont have the Give money expression then press this following Cheat to Unlock all Social Options.
L1, R1, Down, X, L3, R3 (Unlock all Social Options)

<note for="for" rebuilding="rebuilding" or="or" redecorating="redecorating">
Dont tare down all walls or take up all tiles. Leave them there and just go over the tiles and place new walls around the other ones. (if the walls are in your way then move them of course)
Because it triggers a Motion Sensor in the game that makes you owe the house owners when you move out wether you buy more then you sell or not.

Thats some of few Tips and Hints that i have found along my way whilst playing Bustin' Out...</note></note>

Are you annoyed about you're neighbors constantly ringing your doorbell?If you are then simply move into a new house and build your dream house with windows and doors and everything. But don't put anything outside everything must be inside. Then enter the gnome cheat and the money cheat and get your sim to get loads and loads of money. Then get your sim/sims to walk in, then delete all the doors that lead outside. So that none of you're neighbors can annoy you!

Also if you run out of money buy a door and place it so you can get outside get loads of money, run back in and sell the door as easy as that. Also the repo man can't get in either!

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